Our Pre-Formed Frozen Dough Bagels can be delivered to your store, please call us at (516)326-9288 for more information...




Frozen Raw Dough Bagels

     A&S Bagels also makes and distributes pre-formed frozen raw dough bagels.  This is a perfect solution for bagel shops and bakeries.  Bagel stores and bakeries using our frozen dough bagels are able to deliver a great-tasting consistent New York bagel to their customers.  Moreover, Customers will be able to smell the aroma of the freshly baked bagels.  As an added benefit, these same bagel stores and bakeries save on labor costs, production time, machine costs, and other valuable resources.  

     A&S Bagels offers a wide array of unique flavors that are up to par with today’s demanding consumer tastes.  Below is a list of our Frozen Dough Bagels varieties:

Frozen Dough Bagels Variety List



Cinnamon Raisin


Whole Wheat




French Toast

Chocolate Chip


Sun Dried Tomato  







     If you use frozen dough bagels rather than mixing your own dough, you will be able to significantly reduce the usage of your valuable resources.  The machinery associated with bagel and dough manufacturing can be expensive and can take up valuable space in your bakery.  Instead of making the bagel dough, you can use raw pre-formed bagel dough from A&S Bagels.  The baking of the bagels is still done at the store level. This ensures that customers will be able to smell the bagels baking in the oven and still have a great tasting New York Bagel.  Typically a new bagel store using frozen dough will not need to occupy as much space, thus saving on rent costs. Additionally, by using already pre-formed bagel dough, you will not need a dough mixer, bagel former (bagel divider), or a place to store bags of flour.

    There are many ways to prepare our pre-formed bagel dough.  Please visit our Frozen Bagel Dough Preparation Directions and Instructions page for one such preparation technique.  For more information regarding our frozen bagel dough case specifications, please visit our Case Information Page.

      If you are interested in ordering fresh baked bagels, frozen bagels, frozen raw dough bagels, or par-baked bagels, please e-mail us at bagels516@aol.com.

Interested in starting your own bagel store?
Please read the article:
Pictured above are our bagels in the raw form.  You can order frozen dough pre-formed into bagels.  We are always adding new flavors.  Check out our New Bagel Flavors page for more information.



For all your bagel needs, A&S Bagels carries a full line of bagels, including, full baked, frozen dough and par-baked bagels.  These delicious bagels are made in a variety of sizes and flavors.  A&S Bagels, Inc. proudly distributes our frozen bagel dough to bagel stores throughout the country.



Commercial and Wholesale Accounts are Welcomed, no matter how large or small.












A&S BAGELS, Inc., 761 Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Square, New York 11010

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